Saturday, June 26, 2010

Backpacker's Holiday...from the backpack!

My room is modest...very modest. Absolutely no windows and no natural light...but there is air conditioning so I am feeling quite satisfied. I generally do not use an alarm to wake and find in the absence of natural light...that I might never wake up! I eventually woke..but not until 12:30! I haven't slept that late since I was a teenager...but I needed it after all of the insomnia. It was at this moment that I relished my aloneness in that I am the master of my own agenda.and I could be as lazy as I wished...or as ambitious...but lazy was my choice for today. Unencumbered by my heavy backpack and feeling refreshed after a really solid sleep, I set off to explore the maze of streets and alleys that make up Venice. Now it is amazing the difference a day makes. Yesterday I felt this city was an impossible and illogical collection of streets and blind alleys, today however I am in the zone. I toss my map and knowing that I am on an I can only get so lost....I decide to discover Venice my way, intuitively. It works! You must calm your rational mind and really just go with the flow.....there is an organic rhythm to this city and you just need to plug in. If you have your head buried in a map, instead of marking your route with visual clues, will never get a clue. My confidence is bolstered and I feel an affinity to the founding fathers of this remarkable town...they must have been Buddhist! It is a wonderful feeling to be able to wander around, going and turning and following any little street that catches your fancy. I love it!

I also love this Italian summer drink....the Spritz Aperol. Wow! That is the best, and between that and Capresse Salad and gelato...I have all of my nutritional needs covered, with the occasional espresso for clarity. Viva Italia!!!  

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