Feeling a bit fuzzy this morning after a wonderful night out on the town with the girls. There is nothing better in this world than a group of supportive and loving girlfriends that can lift you up and gift you with laughter and joy. I am the blessed recipient of such an auspicious group. We met four years ago in Montreal and have since found each other again and again in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver and now London! What a grand life we all have that we have these opportunities to share our lives and to reunite in some of the more fabulous places around the globe. I feel reinvigorated and ready to begin my solo trip around Europe in just a few days knowing I have such a strong posse watching my back. Thank you so much Chloe, Jen and Lisa....you guys are such special gems.
Dinner was at a wonderful restaurant near Chloe's called Alameida. London has some of the world's best restaurants and this one certainly proved the concept. Of course the champagne, wine, food and especially the company provided the perfect mix for a grand time. And to top off the night, we had a very chatty London cabbie who generously shared his insights on everything from racism, the BP oilspill, Princess Diana conspiracy theories, Jack the Ripper and of course football. Since I was dropped off last, I got the additional bonus of some sage dating advice from a seasoned pro. He was very sweet and a one of a kind character. I love the beauty of the world and meeting new people and hearing their stories and views. It is like Christmas everyday. Lucky me.
Today the kids and I are off to the West End for a matinee performance of "Stomp!" and then dinner with Chris in the city. Look for the reviews in tomorrows edition.
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